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Winners Arena 7x Points

Winners Arena 7x Points
January 5, 2024 Ibis Hood


  1. Play Games in the Winners Arena with your Winners Rewards Card
  2. Receive bonus drawing tickets into the weekly drawings.



  1. Play with your Winners Rewards Card Properly accepted into any Winners Arena Game every Sunday from midnight to 11:59pm starting Sunday March 2, 2025 to Sunday, March 30, 2025
  2. For every point earned a bonus 6 points will be applied to your card
    1. If you earn 100 points you will receive 600 bonus points = 700 total points (7x “normal” earn rate)



  1. Must be a Members Club Rewards Member.
  2. Management reserves the right to cancel or modify the promotion, including prize amounts and structure, at its sole discretion, with or without prior notice, at any time.
  3. Management reserves the right to disqualify any participant for misconduct, infraction of rules, or any reason the management, in its sole discretion, deems sufficient.
  4. All decisions by Carson Nugget Management are final.
  5. Must be 21 years of age or older and a Winners Club member to participate.
  6. Player participation implies understanding and agreement with rules as noted above.
  7. Malfunction voids all pays.